Hosts of ICPH

American Medical Association (AMA)
ama-assn.orgThe American Medical Association is the physicians’ powerful ally in patient care. As the only medical association that convenes 190+ state and specialty medical societies and other critical stakeholders, the AMA represents physicians with a unified voice to all key players in health care. The AMA leverages its strength by removing the obstacles that interfere with patient care, leading the charge to prevent chronic disease and confront public health crises and driving the future of medicine to tackle the biggest challenges in health care. Helping health systems and clinical practices succeed in their transformation journey is critical to the AMA. The AMA developed evidence-based, field-tested solutions to guide physicians and care teams each step of the way. Increasing efficiencies, improving patient care and enhancing professional satisfaction—these are what increase Joy in Medicine™ and make the journey worthwhile. The conference will showcase research and system-level initiatives to mitigate burnout and promote professional well-being.

Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
cma.caThe Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is the national voice of the medical profession. Our focus is on creating strong and accessible health systems, fostering well-being, equity and diversity in medical culture, and ensuring every person in Canada has equal opportunity to be healthy. In partnership with physicians, medical learners, patients and others, we advance these goals through advocacy, knowledge sharing and granting. Now more than ever, physician wellness is a priority. The CMA aims to drive change in the culture of medicine and promote health and wellness in the medical profession for the benefit of practitioners, the health system and all Canadians. Some of the core initiatives we have undertaken to understand and better support the wellness of physicians across the career life cycle includes the National Physician Health Survey and the Physician Wellness Hub

British Medical Association (BMA)
bma.orgThe BMA represents, supports and negotiates on behalf of all UK doctors and medical students. They are member-run and led, fighting for the best terms and conditions as well as lobbying and campaigning on the issues impacting the medical profession. They have also been representing the interests of doctors as a core participant in select modules of the Covid-19 public inquiry. The BMA provides Counselling and Peer support services to all UK doctors and medical students, as well as the Doctor support service for doctors facing General Medical Council (UK regulator) fitness to practice investigations or license withdrawal. DocHealth, the BMA’s confidential psychotherapy service for doctors that is run in partnership with the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund, continues to go from strength to strength. The BMA also has a Well-being support services directory, which maps out all the well-being support services in the UK that are specifically for doctors and medical students.
Statement of need
Physicians’ professional wellness is increasingly recognized as being critically important to the delivery of high-quality health care.
Survey data indicates national physicians burnout reached crisis proportion. Physicians strive to achieve an optimal patient experience and provide the highest quality care while simultaneously facing increasing productivity and documentation demands, which often lead to anxiety, fatigue, burnout and depression.
The American Medical Association, Canadian Medical Association and British Medical Association are working closely together to host a conference. This leading-edge forum is designed to inspire organizations across the world to seek ways to bring back the joy in medicine and achieve professional fulfillment for all our physicians.
Through provocative keynote presentations, practical panel discussions, concurrent oral abstracts, and poster presentations of more than 100 different national wellness projects and programs, this three-day conference will offer an exciting format featuring progressive practitioners and noted researchers. We will provide an engaging forum to share innovative methods and discuss tangible strategies and tools so that structuring organizations (i.e., hospitals, health systems, practices, clinics) contribute to, rather than detract from, physician wellness. The conference will also showcase research into the infrastructure of the health care system and highlight what organizations can do to help combat burnout and promote wellness.